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Simple Steps To Create And Publish Your Own E-Book

Simple Steps To Create And Publish Your Own E-Book - Brilliant 3D Ecover Design by Agen Togel to Help You Boosting Your Product Sales. Only $5.

In this simple article, I'm Agen Togel as 3D Cover Maker will show you step by step how to create and publish your own e-book.

Creating Ebook :

Step 1: Make some briliant idea and write it in text editor or word program.

Step 2:
Compile your file into ebook using ebook compiler. There are too many ebook compiler on the net, and most of them is free like nitro pdf and pdfword. You can search it via google. Download and install ebook compiler into your computer. On the other hand, go to search engine and type, “free ebook compiler.”

Step 3:
Open your ebook compiler and browse your file (text/doc file you create in step 2) and follow the instruction in your ebook compiler until finish.

Step 4:
Make your Ebook Cover to make people interest to see and buy your ebook. You can hire 3D Cover Designer like me to do it. I will make Briliant 3D Ebook Cover Design for only $5.

Publishing Ebook : Publish your ebook on the internet is easy. You can publish your ebook via your website or via your blog, or using another site to publish it like forum, facebook, twitter and etc. Submit it to the ebook directory or freebie directory (if your ebook is free). Go to search engine and type, "free ebook directory". In the next step I want to tell you how to publish it via your own site. If you don't understand or don't have much time to create your own site, Don't worry i will be happy to help you bro!. You can hire me to make HTML Minisite or Sales Page/Landing Page.

Step 5:
Open your HTML editor (Dreamweaver, FrontPage or etc); if you do not have one, go to search engine and type, "free online editor WYSIWYG".

Step 6:
Type your message or idea into your HTML editor or copy and paste it from your text editor. Design your page and make it simple. After you, finish your work, save your file into specific folder. When designing your page, consider creating your file in single page or multiple pages that link to each other like website. If you new to website design, better you design it in single page.

Step 7:
Download WinZip, and install it. Open WinZip application and create a new Zip file. Add your ebook file and zip it.

Step 8:
Upload your zip file into your web server. You can also sign up for free web hosting. Go to search engine and type, "free website hosting."

Now you have successfully created your own e-book, publish it on the net. Great Success to you.
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